网站简介:Archive materials from ezine to help working people put in fewer hours for more pay and occasionally win arguments with the boss. Features diaries, stories, columns, forums, and other resources.
网站简介:A bridge to the public university system for the state's working people and their unions
网站简介:Non profit labor and radical history library located in San Francisco. The collection includes labor and socialist books, pamphlets, periodicals, and video tapes. Includes a link to the library catalog.
网站简介:News, alerts, and online discussion forum for union workers.
网站简介:Email group advocating workers' rights.
网站简介:A repository and meeting place for retirees and former employees.
网站简介:Contact and discussion among former employees of Locus Computing Corporation.
网站简介:Email list for IUOE members who wish to challenge the misuse of power by illegal election tactics and unconstitutional by-laws. Aims to give the Local Union back to its membership.
网站简介:A group for former employees of Sun Microsystems. Its purpose is to facilitate professional networking and communication among its membership through an online membership database, email exchange, job and resume postings, and periodic networking meetings.
网站简介:One in six nurses claim to have been bullied by other members of staff, according to a Royal College of Nursing survey.
网站简介:The company's US pension scheme unfairly favored younger employees, a judge finds in a ruling that could affect millions of workers. [BBC]
网站简介:Long article summarizing a recent upswing in US age-discrimination lawsuits with a focus on a recent suit by former employees of Allstate. [Requires free registration to view.]
网站简介:Article covering the pros and cons of becoming an independent contractor and how to get started..
网站简介:From the Wall Street Journal, a list of job cuts and closures among web-related companies, with links to relevant articles.
网站简介:Uses statistics to argue that increasing productivity makes dramatic reductions in the workweek possible.
网站简介:Agricultural Labor Management offers a number of resources to farm employers, academia, consultants, and the press on farm labor.
网站简介:An overview of employment discrimination law with links to key primary and secondary sources.
网站简介:US Supreme Court held that back wages are subject to FICA and FUTA tax rates that were in effect for the year in which the wages are in fact paid, not for the year in which they should have been paid.
网站简介:Research and community service programs
网站简介:A new report on corporate hiring priorities shows how statistics sometimes can help to show us the world as it really is, rather than the world corporate spokespersons would like us to see.
网站简介:Articles on issues involving minorities and age discrimination, touching on immigration, affirmative action and Silicon Valley hiring practices.
网站简介:At the University of California, Davis. Information on projects, staff, publication and related sites.
网站简介:Information on developing work objectives, organizational and time management strategies, communication methods, technology, and problem resolution techniques as they relate to telecommuting.
网站简介:Advice from Armando Gomez
网站简介:Tips on body and mind to avoid the pitfalls of workaholism.