网站简介:MSN,全称Microsoft Service Network,是微软公司(Microsoft)旗下的门户网站。
网站简介:Main site for product information, support, and news.
网站简介:Adobe 创建于1982年,是世界领先数字媒体和在线营销方案的供应商。公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州圣何塞,在世界各地员工人数约 7000名
网站简介:《赫芬顿邮报》(The Huffington Post)是美国著名的新闻博客网站,始创于2005年,提供原创报道和新闻聚合服务,着重于国内外时政新闻,每天的独立访问量达到2,500万,是美国当前影响力最大的政治类博客。
网站简介:Support directly from Microsoft.
网站简介:美国AOL在线门户网(American Online),是美国时代华纳的子公司,著名的因特网服务提供商,全球最大的网站之一。AOL的内容服务非常丰富,购物、新闻、健康、旅游、娱乐等应有尽有。
网站简介:Group-edited weblog about technology start-ups, particularly the Web 2.0 sector.
网站简介:Website for International Business Machines Corporation
网站简介:Free email with industry-leading spam and virus protection, anytime-access on your mobile device, and flexibility to work with other email clients.
网站简介:Makes devices for personal computer, networking, and communications products.
网站简介:Mapquest 是美国一家专业的提供网上地图的网站,它是美国最早做地图的,为200多个国家提供地图。
网站简介:Weblog grasping the auto industry with test drives and commentary on articles from other sites.
网站简介:One of the top branded PC vendors.
网站简介:Official page with details of support services available to customers.
网站简介:Movie previews, reviews, trailers and local showtimes for current flicks and DVD releases.
网站简介:Searchable web directory categorized by subject and location in 90 languages. Edited and run by volunteers, supported by AOL.
网站简介:Safely search the web for sites, images, video, and news.
网站简介:Reports, inside information, and rumors.
网站简介:Enterprise-wide intelligent storage and retrieval technology designed for all major server environments.