网站简介:How genetic engineering will get rid of suffering in all sentient life
网站简介:Organization explores implications of new information and communication technologies. Includes press releases, information on events and exhibits, and links to related resources.
网站简介:Technology forecaster/futurist
网站简介:One of the eight Research Institutes of the European Commission (EC), the IPTS organizes regional foresight studies on science and technology to inform political and economic decision-makers.
网站简介:Predicts technological and sociological developments over the next millennium, and forecasts the ultimate destiny of humanity and the universe. Gets better the farther out.
网站简介:Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom's analysis and policy recommendations for the construction of advanced artificial intelligences with self-improving superhuman intelligence (the Singularity).
网站简介:A futurist ethics blog that explore all avenues of human progress through the eyes of a future conscience.
网站简介:A consulting firm focusing on strategic future issues and corporate foresight.
网站简介:Describes the threat posed by a comet or asteroid impact and provides disaster preparedness planning for such an event.
网站简介:Social science research institute which has done extensive research in such areas as social development theory, economics, management, peace and governance, the future of money, the future role of the Internet, the future of science, the future World Army, and the Global Century.
网站简介:Designs community and policy innovations for social, economic, and environmental progress; creates interactive websites for community learning and decision-making; and builds on-line futures learning environments linking public school classes globally to envision possible and preferred futures.
网站简介:Futures think tank focused on future trends and their impacts for applications including product development, strategy formulation, marketing communications, customer relationship management; trends analyses, scenarios and predictions, upcoming events, and discussion forum.
网站简介:Dedicated to education regarding the prospect of indefinite life extension technologies. Offers forum, chat, frequently asked questions, and articles of interest.
网站简介:Researcher of human aging, with several essays about transhumanism, human nature, and the ethics of new technologies.
网站简介:Book by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins, about a new business model for responding to changes in our society. Book excerpts, reviews, and downloadable chapters available.
网站简介:An article from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy discusses some of important issues arising in resent scholarship research of Plato's "The Laws".
网站简介:Civilizations have predictable life cycles.
网站简介:A fee-based service linking futurists, decision-makers, and business leaders in order to inject foresight into decision-making and expand available foresight tools; organizes conferences, research reports and projects, and workshop; site offers some links to relevant readings.
网站简介:A timeline of our apocalyptic future if religious-based predictions all come true.
网站简介:Paper by Nick Bostrom, analyzing well-known and less well-known extinction risks and related crippling hazards to humanity.
网站简介:Dedicated to creating sustainable communities on both land and sea, based upon new technologies and time tested principles of respect, inclusion, love and stewardship.
网站简介:Articles and submissions in the areas of foresight, forecasting, long-range planning, global economic futures, Asian futures, and research methods.
网站简介:Founder and director of the Transhumanist Arts and Culture World Center, president of the Extropy Institute.
网站简介:Utopia is a better world vision. This web site consists of three free books about Humanity's achievement of Utopia and links to utopia web sites.
网站简介:Detailing the activities of UK Spaceguard, which is situated in the former Powys Observatory overlooking the town of Knighton.