网站简介:Offers software and other downloads, projects details and results from past contests.
网站简介:Moonbounce north of the polar circle.
网站简介:Features WINScanner software, intended for ham, CB radio and scanners, schematics and modifications of CB and amateur radios, including the President series.
网站简介:Classic HF receivers and electronic constructional projects including a telephone exchange, spectrum analyzer, and homemade TTL computers.
网站简介:Includes information on license eligibility, the executive, frequency allocations, history, news, a picture gallery and contact information.
网站简介:Homebrew amateur radio site including tube and solid state transmitters and receivers.
网站简介:Interactive web-controlled Drake R-8 receiver allows 5 and 30 second live sound bites, details of last 25 frequencies selected by listeners, and information about tuning controls.
网站简介:Provides real-time APRS data in and around Napa, California.
网站简介:Presents constitution, newsletter, and links. Located in Longmeadow, Maryland, United States.
网站简介:Features homebrew projects, QSL gallery and contest results. Athens, Greece.
网站简介:A large and varied selection of projects to build. English and Japanese text.
网站简介:Includes operating tips, contest scores and rules, QSL info, callsign look-ups, and DX packetclusters for contesters and DX'ers.
网站简介:Interactive search engine for HAM radio operators and shortwave listeners. Offers information on all frequency ranges from VLF to UHF.
网站简介:Features a call sign database and links to other ham radio sites.
网站简介:Information about the club membership, hamfest, and repeaters. Includes a calendar of events, newsletters, classifieds and contacts.
网站简介:Tips on rebuilding, repairing, and applying modifications to the Yaesu FL-7000 amplifier. Accepts all types of amateur radios and amplifiers needing repair.
网站简介:Prescott, Arizona
网站简介:Offers online club newsletters, membership and contact information.
网站简介:RF propagation software to analyze signal coverage over irregular terrain.
网站简介:A digital mode useful for keyboard to keyboard QSOs. Works at 31.25 bauds. Easy to use and monitor. Gives good copy under poor SNR and is thus suitable for QRP. Uses BPSK or QPSK.
网站简介:Israel amateur community features a photo gallery.
网站简介:Includes meeting and net schedules, activities, and VE testing sessions. Located in the western part of the state.
网站简介:Private foundation assists worthwhile amateur radio and scientific projects with funding and equipment.
网站简介:Ed in Georgia discusses QRP, homebrew, and boatanchors.
网站简介:The world's oldest and largest medium wave (MW/AM) DX club, which hosts DX Audio Service, books on tape for the sight impaired.